Equine and Canine Touch Therapies

As a child I always had a strong interest in helping sick or injured animals. I attended William Woods University, and then transferred to the University of Missouri to complete my pre-vet. I then spent the next 15+ years training and raising Appaloosa Sport Horses and ponies for dressage and eventing, running a boarding stable and raising and training harlequin Great Danes in obedience, and eventually also in agility, tracking, and conformation.
Working so closely with animals in these varied disciplines, I spent a lot of time working with veterinarians to heal sick and injured horses and dogs. After a tragic barn fire in 1997 I took a long hard look at what my goals and plans were and started to head down the path I had originally started to walk. This time I chose not to follow the conventional path, but the alternative path. I began to seek training in the areas of alternative therapies to assist the body in healing itself.
I feel the therapies I have chosen compliment each other and help to assist animals with behavior problems, and recovery from illness and injury.
I am available for consultation over the phone and through email. I am available at my location, or can travel to your barn, or home to give your animal the benefits of these hands on therapies. I would also be happy to present information to your local 4-H group, horse or dog club, or group of friends.

Contact me by phone or email for charges and services.

Equine and Canine Touch Therapies
Joyce Guthrie CAT, CMT, T-Touch Practitioner
Certified as an equine and canine acupressure therapist by Equine and Canine Acupressure Therapy Inc., as a canine massage therapist by Integrated Touch Therapies, formerly Optissage, and through Linda Tellington-Jones T-Team and T-Touch as a T-Touch practitioner.
Kingdom City, MO
Phone: (573) 642-4237 Email: Lrspots@socket.net

Click on a name to see more information about each type of therapy.




"Case Studies"
Listed here are several case studies addressing different problems that have been aided, and or corrected with the alternative therapies listed above.